

  • 2016-09 ~ 2017-07    德克萨斯大学艾尔帕索分校       博士联培
  • 2011-09 ~ 2018-07    北京科技大学     材料科学与工程专业  博士
  • 2006-09 ~ 2010-07    河南科技大学     材料成型与控制专业  学士
  • 2020-08 ~ 至今    365BET官网网站  助理研究员
  • 2018-08 ~ 2020-08    365BET官网网站  博士后
  • 高性能钢铁材料,钛合金,增材制造
  • 机器学习,冲击韧性,动态力学行为,电子背散射技术

1. 自然科学基金青年项目,微量Ni对增材制造新型钛合金的组织演变和强韧化的影响机制研究, 主持

2. 未来航母用钢的显微组织三维超细化调控, 主持 

3. 高强韧不锈钢热轧板的组织调控机理研究, 主持 

4. TBF热轧钢板的组织调控机理及控制方法, 主持 

5. 中国博士后基金面上项目, 低合金钢中残余奥氏体内部铜析出的形成及强化机制研究, 主持

6. 博士后创新人才支持计划, 高强高塑高韧低合金钢多相多层次显微组织构筑, 主持

7. 高锰奥氏体钢的超低温强韧化机制与氢脆敏感性研究,主持

8. 自然科学基金重大项目,基于薄板坯连铸连轧的材料强塑化机理,骨干

9.  2.4 GPa级超高强韧钢的动态力学行为研究,主持

10. 新一代超高强钢回火脆性机理与控制方法,骨干

11. 160ksi钢级超高强高韧套管强韧性机制研究,骨干

  • S. Liu, H. Tan, H. Guo, C. Shang*, R. Misra, The determining role of aluminum on copper precipitation and mechanical properties in Cu-Ni-bearing low alloy steel, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 676 (2016) 510-521.
  • S. Liu, X. Li, H. Guo, C. Shang*, R.D.K. Misra, Isolating contribution of individual phases during deformation of high strength–high toughness multi-phase pipeline steel, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 639 (2015) 131-135.
  • S. Liu, X. Li, H. Guo, S. Yang, X. Wang, C. Shang*, R.D.K. Misra, Selective role of bainitic lath boundary in influencing slip systems and consequent deformation mechanisms and delamination in high-strength low-alloy steel, Philos. Mag. 98(11) (2018) 934-958.
  • S. Liu, Z. Xiong, H. Guo, C. Shang*, R.D.K. Misra, The significance of multi-step partitioning: Processing-structure-property relationship in governing high strength-high ductility combination in medium-manganese steels, Acta Mater. 124 (2017) 159-172.
  • S. Liu, V. Challa, V. Natarajan, R. Misra*, D. Sidorenko, M. Mulholland, M. Manohar, J. Hartmann, Significant influence of carbon and niobium on the precipitation behavior and microstructural evolution and their consequent impact on mechanical properties in microalloyed steels, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 683 (2017) 70-82.
  • Q. Lu, S. Liu*, W. Li, X. Jin*, Combination of thermodynamic knowledge and multilayer feedforward neural networks for accurate prediction of MS temperature in steels, Mater. Des. 192 (2020) 108696.
  • Z. Xiong, S. Liu, X. Wang*, C. Shang, R.D.K. Misra, Relationship between crystallographic structure of the Ti2O3/MnS complex inclusion and microstructure in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) in steel processed by oxide metallurgy route and impact toughness, Mater. Charact. 106 (2015) 232-239.
  • C. Sun*, S.L. Liu, R.D.K. Misra, Q. Li*, D.H. Li, Influence of intercritical tempering temperature on impact toughness of a quenched and tempered medium-Mn steel: Intercritical tempering versus traditional tempering, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 711 (2018) 484-491.
  • Z. Xiong, S. Liu, X. Wang*, C. Shang, X. Li, R.D.K. Misra, The contribution of intragranular acicular ferrite microstructural constituent on impact toughness and impeding crack initiation and propagation in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of low-carbon steels, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 636 (2015) 117-123.
  • V. Natarajan, S. Liu, V. Challa, R. Misra*, D. Sidorenko, M. Mulholland, M. Manohar, J. Hartmann, Processing-structure- mechanical property relationship in Ti-Nb microalloyed steel: Continuous cooling versus interrupted cooling, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 671 (2016) 254-263.
  • C.-j. Tang, S.-l. Liu, C.-j. Shang*, Micromechanical Behavior and Failure Mechanism of F/B Multi-phase High Performance Steel, Journal of Iron and Steel Research International 23(5) (2016) 489-494.
  • S. Liu*, X. Rong, H. Guo*, R.D.K. Misra, X. Jin, C. Shang*, Reinforced Cu precipitation strengthening by matrix transformation from martensite to austenite in high-strength low-alloy steel, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 825 (2021).
  • K. Li, B. Yu, R.D.K. Misra*, G. Han, S. Liu, Y.F. Shen, C.J. Shang, On the origin and contribution of extended kinks and jogs and stacking fault ribbons to deformation behavior in an ultrahigh strength cobalt-free maraging steel with high density of low lattice misfit precipitates, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 728 (2018) 208-217.
  • C. Tang, C. Shang*, S. Liu, H. Guan, R. Misra, Y. Chen, Effect of volume fraction of bainite on strain hardening behavior and deformation mechanism of F/B multi-phase steel, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 731 (2018) 173-183.
  • K. Li, B. Yu, R.D.K. Misra*, G. Han, S. Liu, C.J. Shang, Strengthening of cobalt-free 19Ni3Mo1.5Ti maraging steel through high-density and low lattice misfit nanoscale precipitates, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 715 (2018) 174-185.
  • P. Cheng, B. Hu, S. Liu, H. Guo*, M. Enomoto, C. Shang, Influence of retained austenite and Cu precipitates on the mechanical properties of a cold-rolled and intercritically annealed medium Mn steel, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 746 (2019) 41-49.
  • L. Luo, W. Li*, S. Liu, L. Wang, X. Jin*, Effect of intermediate temperature annealing on the stability of retained austenite and mechanical properties of medium Mn-TRIP steel, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 742 (2019) 69-77.
  • S. Liu*, B. Hu, Y. Yu, C. Shang, R.D.K. Misra, X. Jin*, Shaping mechanism of ultrafine metastable austenite in HSLA steels through a cumulative process of hot rolling, partitioning and tempering, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 811 (2021) 141060.
  • X. Rong, S. Liu, Y. Li, B. Hu, M. Enomoto, H. Guo*, C. Shang, Simultaneous enhancement of strength and ductility via nanoscale Cu precipitates and ultrafine filmy retained austenite in a novel quench-partitioned and tempered steel, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 760 (2019) 47-57.
  • B. Yu, S. Liu*, B. Hu, R. Misra*, The impact of periodic distribution of alloying elements during tempering in a multistep partitioned manganese steels on mechanical behavior: Experiments, simulation and analysis, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 766 (2019) 138357.
  • X. Li, J. Zhao, J. Wang, X. Wang, S. Liu*, C. Shang*, Effect of boundaries on toughness in high-strength low-alloy steels from the view of crystallographic misorientation, Mater. Lett. 259 (2020) 126841.
  • S. Zhang, S. Liu, J. Wan*, W. Liu*, Effect of Nb–Ti multi-microalloying on the hydrogen trapping efficiency and hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of hot-stamped boron steel, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 772 (2019) 138788.
  • K. Yang, W. Ding, S. Liu*, W. Li, X. Jin*, Dominating Role of Film‐Like Carbon‐Enriched Austenite for the Simultaneous Improvement of Strength and Toughness in Low‐Carbon Steel, steel research international (2020) 2000344.
  • 孙中渠*, 刘俊亮, 刘仕龙, 中碳硅-锰钢热轧板断裂原因分析, 上海金属 42 (2020) 8-13.
  • S. Liu*, B. Hu, W. Li, R.D.K. Misra, X. Jin*, Refined heterogeneous phase unit enhances ductility in quenched ultra-high strength steels, Scripta Materialia 194 (2021) 113636.
  • K. Yang, L. Wang, Z. Sun, J. Liu, S. Liu*, X. Jin, Effect of silicon addition on phosphorus segregation at grain boundary and temper embrittlement of Fe-C-Mn-xSi steels, Mater. Lett. 320 (2022).
  • K. Yang, Y. Li, Z. Hong, S. Du, T. Ma, S. Liu*, X. Jin*, The dominating role of austenite stability and martensite transformation mechanism on the toughness and ductile-to-brittle-transition temperature of a quenched and partitioned steel, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 820 (2021).
  • H. Yu, Y. Yu*, Z. Wang, F. Li, B. Hu, S. Liu*, On the variant pairing in transformation product of high strength low alloy steel depending on cooling rate, Mater. Lett. 326 (2022) 132953.
  • Q. Lu, J. Wu, S. Liu*, S. Zhang*, X. Cai, W. Li, J. Jiang, X. Jin*, Revealing geometrically necessary dislocation density from electron backscatter patterns via multi-modal deep learning, Ultrami croscopy 237 (2022) 113519.
  • X. Pang, Z. Xiong, S. Liu, D. Misra, Z. Xiong, Z. Li*, Laser Melting Deposition of CP-Ti/Ti–0.4Ni Graded Material for Structural Applications, Metall. Mater. Trans. A 52(11) (2021) 4742-4748.
  • X. Yan, X. Yang, G. Tian, D. Sun, S. Liu, Z. Xiong, Z. Wen, Q. Xu, Modeling and Simulation Investigations on Microstructure Evolution during Additive Manufacturing of AlSi10Mg Alloy, Metals 12(10) (2022).
  • Z. Xiong, S. Liu, S. Li, Y. Shi, Y. Yang*, R. Misra, Role of melt pool boundary condition in determining the mechanical properties of selective laser melting AlSi10Mg alloy, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 740 (2019) 148-156.
  • X. Pang, Z. Xiong, S. Liu, J. Sun, R.D.K. Misra, H. Kokawa, Z. Li*, Grain refinement effect of ZrB2 in laser additive manufactured metastable β-titanium alloy with enhanced mechanical properties, Mater. Sci. Eng. A 857 (2022) 144104.
  • Z. Xiong, X. Pang, S. Liu*, Z. Li*, R.D.K. Misra, Hierarchical refinement of nickel-microalloyed titanium during additive manufacturing, Scripta Materialia 195 (2021).
  • 中国博士后创新人才支持计划2018
  • 上海市超级博士后2018
  • 上海交通大学晨星博士后2019