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  • 1996-01 ~ 2001-01    哈佛大学     无机化学  博士
  • 1991-01 ~ 1996-01    中国科技大学     材料化学  学士
  • 2012-01 ~ 至今    上海交通大学  教授
  • 2003-01 ~ 2012-01    通用电气研发总部(美国  研究员,高级研究员,资深研究员
  • 2001-01 ~ 2003-01    麻省理工材料科学  博士后
  • 能源材料
  • 仿生材料

在Science、Nature Energy、Nature Photonics、Nature Communications、Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the US、Advanced Materials、Journal of American Society of Chemistry等期刊上发表论文170余篇,并拥有45项国际和24项中国专利和专利申请。其主要研究方向是仿生能源材料,热功能材料及器件的制备及性能研究。 40多项新材料性能,制备及加工的国际专利和专利申请。 曾担任国际材联第二届国际青年材料科学家大会执行主席(2014), 美国材料学会年秋季年会共同主席(2017), 和国际材联第一届亚洲材料高峰论坛共同主席(2021)。目前任国际材料联合会执行委员,中国材料学会理事及理事会外事委员会委员,国际仿生材料会议学术委员会委员,及国际期刊Chemical Reviews (化学综述)副主编,Progress in Natural Science和《中国材料进展》的编委。 中组部特聘专家,科技部十三五及十四五材料重点专项专家组成员。曾获多项通用电气公司优秀人才和杰出技术奖,国际机械工程大会(2008)、国际电气工程大会(2010)、美国工程院百名优秀年轻工程师项目(2011)、上海交通大学“凯原十佳教师“(2015)、上海市育才奖(2016)。

  • An, S., Shang, W., Jiang, M., Luo, Y., Fu, B., Song, C., Tao, P., Deng, T. Human Hand as a Powerless and Multiplexed Infrared Light Source for Information Decryption and Complex Signal Generation. PNAS, 118 (15), e2021077118, 2021.
  • Zhang, J., Fu, B., Song, C., Shang, W., Tao, P., Deng, T. Kirigami-Inspired Synthesis of Functional Mesoporous Nanospheres through Spray Drying of Holey Nanosheets. Carbon, 178, 382, 2021.
  • Yang, Z., Zhang, J., Zhang, L., Fu, B., Tao, P., Song, C., Shang, W., Deng, T. Self-Assembly in Hopper-Shaped Crystals. Advanced Functional Materials, 30 (26), 1908108, 2020.
  • iang, M., Shen, Q., Zhang, J., An, S., Ma, S., Tao, P., Song, C., Fu, B., Wang, J., Deng, T., Shang, W. Bioinspired Temperature Regulation in Interfacial Evaporation. Advanced Functional Materials, 30 (14), 1910481, 2020.
  • Xu, J., Wang, Z., Chang, C., Fu, B., Tao, P., Song, C., Shang, W., Deng, T. Solar-Driven Interfacial Desalination for Simultaneous Freshwater and Salt Generation. Desalination, 484, 114423, 2020.
  • Shen, Q., Ma, S., Luo, Z., An, S., He, J., Zhang, R., Tao, P., Song, C., Wu, J., Potyrailo, R.A., Deng, T., Shang, W. Butterfly Wing Inspired High Performance Infrared Detection with Spectral Selectivity. Advanced Optical Materials, 8 (6), 1901647, 2020.
  • Tao, P., Chang, C., Tong, Z., Bao, H., Song, C., Wu, J., Shang, W., Deng, T. Magnetically-Accelerated Large-Capacity Solar-Thermal Energy Storage within High Temperature Phase-Change Materials. Energy and Environmental Science, 12 (5), 1613-1621, 2019.
  • Chen, W., Ma, Y., Li, F., Pan, L., Gao, W., Xiang, Q., Shang, W., Song, C., Tao, P., Zhu, H., Pan, X., Deng, T., Wu, J. Strong Electronic Interaction of Amorphous Fe2O3 Nanosheets with Single-Atom Pt toward Enhanced Carbon Monoxide Oxidation. Advanced Functional Materials, 29 (42), 1904278, 2019.
  • Wu, S., Li, T., Tong, Z., Chao, J., Zhai, T., Xu, J., Yan, T., Wu, M., Xu, Z., Bao, H., Deng, T., Wang, R. High-Performance Thermally Conductive Phase Change Composites by Large-Size Oriented Graphite Sheets for Scalable Thermal Energy Harvesting. Advanced Materials, 31 (49), 1905099, 2019.
  • Xu, H., Thissandier, A., Zhao, R., Tao, P., Song, C., Wu, J., Shang, W., Deng, T. Self-Propelled Rotation of Paper-Based Leidenfrost Rotor. Applied Physics Letters, 114 (11), 113703, 2019.
  • Zhou, L., He, J., Li, W., He, P., Ye, Q., Fu, B., Tao, P., Song, C., Wu, J., Deng, T., Shang, W. Butterfly Wing Hears Sound: Acoustic Detection Using Biophotonic Nanostructure. Nano Letters, 19 (4), 2627-2633, 2019.
  • Luan, T., Meng, F., Tao, P., Shang, W., Wu, J., Song, C., Deng, T. Bubble-Enabled Underwater Motion of a Light-Driven Motor. Small, 15 (12), 1804959, 2019.
  • He, J., Song, C., Shan, H., Jiang, Y., Zhou, L., Tao, P., Wu, J., Shang, W., Deng, T. Bioinspired Color Change through Guided Reflection. Advanced Optical Materials, 6 (24), 1800464, 2018.
  • Tao, P., Ni, G., Song, C., Shang, W., Wu, J., Zhu, J., Chen, G., Deng, T. Solar-Driven Interfacial Evaporation. Nature Energy, 3 (12), 1031-1041, 2018.
  • Shan, H., Gao, W., Xiong, Y., Shi, F., Yan, Y., Ma, Y., Shang, W., Tao, P., Song, C., Deng, T., Zhang, H., Yang, D., Pan, X., Wu, J. Nanoscale Kinetics of Asymmetrical Corrosion in Core-Shell Nanoparticles. Nature Communications, 9 (1), 1011, 2018.
  • Wu, Y., Li, F., Chen, W., Xiang, Q., Ma, Y., Zhu, H., Tao, P., Song, C., Shang, W., Deng, T., Wu, J. Coupling Interface Constructions of MoS2/Fe5Ni4S8 Heterostructures for Efficient Electrochemical Water Splitting. Advanced Materials, 30 (38), 1803151, 2018.
  • Ma, Y., Gao, W., Shan, H., Chen, W., Shang, W., Tao, P., Song, C., Addiego, C., Deng, T., Pan, X., Wu, J. Platinum-Based Nanowires as Active Catalysts toward Oxygen Reduction Reaction: In Situ Observation of Surface-Diffusion-Assisted, Solid-State Oriented Attachment. Advanced Materials, 29 (46), 2017.
  • Shen, Q., Luo, Z., Ma, S., Tao, P., Song, C., Wu, J., Shang, W., Deng, T. Bioinspired Infrared Sensing Materials and Systems. Advanced Materials, 30 (28), 1707632, 2018.
  • Wang, Z., Tong, Z., Ye, Q., Hu, H., Nie, X., Yan, C., Shang, W., Song, C., Wu, J., Wang, J., Bao, H., Tao, P., Deng, T. Dynamic Tuning of Optical Absorbers for Accelerated Solar-Thermal Energy Storage. Nature Communications, 8 (1), 1478, 2017.
  • Meng, F., Hao, W., Yu, S., Feng, R., Liu, Y., Yu, F., Tao, P., Shang, W., Wu, J., Song, C., Deng, T. Vapor-Enabled Propulsion for Plasmonic Photothermal Motor at the Liquid/Air Interface. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139 (36), 12362-12365, 2017.
  • 曾担任国际材联第二届国际青年材料科学家大会执行主席(2014)  
  • 美国材料学会年秋季年会共同主席(2017)  
  • 和国际材联第一届亚洲材料高峰论坛共同主席(2021)  
  • 国际材料联合会执行委员  
  • 中国材料学会理事及理事会外事委员会委员  
  • 国际仿生材料会议学术委员会委员  
  • 国际期刊Chemical Reviews (化学综述)副主编  
  • Progress in Natural Science和《中国材料进展》的编委  
  • 多项通用电气公司优秀人才和杰出技术奖,国际机械工程大会(2008)、国际电气工程大会(2010)、美国工程院百名优秀年轻工程师项目(2011)、上海交通大学“凯原十佳教师“(2015)、上海市育才奖(2016)