

  • 2004-01 ~ 2008-01    上海交通大学   365BET官网网站   材料科学与工程  博士
  • 2001-01 ~ 2004-01    中南大学   粉末冶金国家重点实验室   复合材料  硕士
  • 1997-01 ~ 2001-01    中南大学   粉末冶金国家重点实验室   复合材料  学士
  • 2023-01 ~ 至今    365BET官网网站  研究员
  • 2018-11 ~ 2019-10    美国哈佛医学院附属波士顿儿童医院  公派访问学者
  • 2015-01 ~ 2022-12    365BET官网网站  副研究员
  • 2010-03 ~ 2010-06    日本京都大学化学研究所  日本学术振兴会(JSPS)资助访问学者
  • 2008-08 ~ 2014-12    365BET官网网站  助理研究员
  • 抗菌灭菌纳米材料

主要从事抗菌灭菌纳米材料及其生物医学和环境应用研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项、面上项目2项,主持教育部装备预研联合基金、JW科技委、英国文化委员会(British Council) 等各级各类项目十余项;以第一作者或通讯作者身份在J. Am. Chem. Soc., Biomaterials, Nano Lett.等高水平杂志发表论文60余篇;获教育部高等学校科学技术奖励二等奖。 

  • Ruihao Yang, Haoran Zhang, Kang Sun, Congli Yuan*, Ke Tao*, Nano-Emulsified Perfluorooctyl Bromide Can Infiltrate Gram-Negative Bacteria and Sensitize Them to Ultrasound, Nano Lett, 2024, 24, 501-510.
  • Yijun Han, Ruihao Yang, Zeinab Marfavi, Quanjie Lv, Gengxin Zhang, Yingfan Dai, Kang Sun, Ke Tao*, Doping Ba2+ in Brookite TiO2 induced Polarization for Efficient Piezo/Photocatalysis, J. Colloid Interf. Sci, 2024, 670, 742-750.
  • Quanjie Lv, Yili Zhang, Ruihao Yang, Yingfan Dai, Yu Lin*, Kang Sun, Hong Xu*, Ke Tao*, Photoacoustic imaging endometriosis lesions with nanoparticulate polydopamine as a contrast agent, Adv. Health. Mater. 2024,13, 2302175.
  • Yijun Han, Xinyue Yu, Zeinab Marfavi, Yumo Chen, Linxuan Zhang, Jing Chu, Kang Sun, Mingda Li*, Ke Tao*, A Perspective on Ultrasound-Triggered Production of Reactive Oxygen Species by Inorganic Nano/Micro-particles, Adv. Nanobiomed. Res., 2024, 2400060.(Invited Review)
  • Yan Liu, Gaoyang Wu, Kang Sun, Guangdong Zhou*, Ke Tao*, Nanoparticles that transcytosed through cancer cells can elicit immune response, Nano Lett. 2023, 23, 2687-2694.
  • Zeinab Marfavi, Ruihao Yang, Lingbo Wei, Yijun Han, Quanjie Lv, Yingfan Dai, Kang Sun, Congli Yuan, Ke Tao*, Ultra-small day-night photocatalysts of LnYVO4:Eu3+ (Ln=Nd, Tm, and Er) nanoparticles, ACS Applied Mater & Interfaces 2023, 15, 32697−32706.
  • Dida Duosiken, Ruihao Yang, Yingfan Dai, Quanjie Lv, Hanyin Li, Kang Sun, Ke Tao*, Near-infrared light-excited reactive oxygen species generation by thulium oxide nanoparticles, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 2455-2459.
  • Yan Liu, Xiaodi Wu, Feifan Chen, Hao Li, Tao Wang, Ningning Liu, Kang Sun, Guangdong Zhou*, Ke Tao*, Modulating cancer-stroma crosstalk by a nanoparticle-based photodynamic method to pave the way for subsequent therapies, Biomaterials, 2022, 289, 121813.
  • Yan Liu, Qelger Bao, Zheng Chen, Lin Yao, Zheng Ci, Xiangyu Wei, Yongjie Wu, Kang Sun, Guangdong Zhou*, Shiting Li*, Wei Ma*, Ke Tao*, Circumventing Drug Resistance Pathways with a Nanoparticle-Based Photodynamic Method, Nano Lett, 2021, 21, 9115-9123.
  • Yan Liu, Yinyin Huo, Yawen Xu, Kang Sun, Guangdong Zhou*, Daniel S. Kohane, Ke Tao*, Transcytosis of Nanomedicine for Tumor Penetration, Nano Lett. 2019, 19, 8010-8020.
  • Yan Liu, Yawen Xu, Zezhong Zhang, Yinyin Huo, Dexin Chen, Wei Ma, Kang Sun, Gulen Yesilbag Tonga, Guangdong Zhou*, Daniel S. Kohane, Ke Tao* A simple yet multifunctional nanoformulation for eradicating tumors and preventing recurrence with safely low administration dose, Nano Lett. 2019, 19, 5515-5523.
  • Journal of Functional Biomaterials  编委
  • Advanced Powder Materials  青年编委
  • 2019年度英国物理学会优秀审稿人
  • 2013年度教育部高等学校科学技术奖励专利奖二等奖(排名3)
  • 2015年度上海交通大学优秀班主任
  • 2016年度上海交通大学优秀班主任