

  • 2011-09 ~ 2017-06    上海交通大学-劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室       博士
  • 2007-09 ~ 2011-06    南京大学       本科
  • 2020-07 ~ 2023-06    365BET官网网站  长聘教轨助理教授
  • 2017-09 ~ 2020-06    365BET官网网站  博士后
  • 高强韧金属基复合材料设计与制备
  • 金属基复合材料激光增材制造

长期以来从导致金属基复合材料强度与塑韧性矛盾的基本原理出发,发展金属基复合材料强韧化新途径,探索复合材料新型制备手段,对复合组织进行精确设计与调控;结合先进跨尺度表征(原子探针、球差电镜、微纳力学、同步辐射)与计算机模拟,探究高强韧金属基复合材料的微观组织-形变机理-宏观性能内在联系;近年来主要研究方向为金属性能的复合化调控,即通过复合化途径,激发增强体与金属协同强韧化效应,实现优异力学性能。已发表论文30余篇,他引共2800余次,H因子为21。其中以第一作者及通讯作者在Nat. Commun., Mater. Today., Nano Lett., Int. J. Plast.等期刊上发表论文近20篇,申请发明专利5项。获得国家自然科学基金面上基金、青年基金等项目资助。Acta Mater., Scripta Mater., Compos. Part A., Carbon等材料领域国际期刊审稿人。

  • Z. Li*, Y. Cui, W. Yan, D. Zhang, Y. Fang, Y. Chen, Q. Yu, G. Wang, H. Ouyang, C. Fan, Q. Guo, D.B. Xiong, S. Jin, G. Sha, N. Ghoniem, Z. Zhang*, Y.M. Wang*. Enhanced strengthening and hardening via self-stabilized dislocation network in additively manufactured metals. Mater. Today, 2021, 50, 79-88.
  • Z. Li, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhang, Y. Cui, Q. Guo, P. Liu, S. Jin, G. Sha, K. Ding, Z.Q. Li, T. Fan, H. Urbassek, Q. Yu, T. Zhu*, D. Zhang*, Y.M. Wang*. A nanodispersion-in-nanograins strategy for ultra-strong, ductile and stable metal nanocomposites. Nat. Commun, 2022, 13, 5581. in press.
  • X. Fu, Z. Tan*, X. Min, Z. Li*, Z. Yue, G. Fan, D.B. Xiong, Z.Q. Li. Trimodal grain structure enables high-strength CNT/Al-Cu-Mg composites higher ductility by powder assembly & alloying. Mater. Res. Lett. 2021, 9, 50-57.
  • G. Wang, H. Ouyang, Y. Su, Q. Guo, D.B. Xiong, Q. Zhuang, Z. Yue, Z. Li*, D. Zhang*. Heterostructured bulk aluminum with controllable gradient structure: Fabrication strategy and deformation mechanisms. Scripta Mater, 2021, 196, 113762.
  • G. Wang, H. Ouyang, C. Fan, Q. Guo, Z.Q. Li, W. Yan*, Z. Li*. The origin of high-density dislocations in additively manufactured metals. Mater. Res. Lett. 2020, 8, 283-290.
  • Z. Li*, Z.Q. Li, Z. Tan, D.B. Xiong, Q. Guo*. Stress relaxation and the cellular structure-dependence of plastic deformation in additively manufactured AlSi10Mg alloys. Int. J. Plast, 2020, 127, 102640.
  • Z. Li, B. He*, Q. Guo*. Strengthening and hardening mechanisms of additively manufactured stainless steels: The role of cell sizes. Scripta Mater. 2020, 177, 17-21.
  • Z. Li, T. Voisin, J.T. McKeown, J. Ye, T. Braun, C. Kamath, W.E. King, Y.M. Wang*. Tensile properties, strain rate sensitivity, and activation volume of additively manufactured 316L stainless steels. Int. J. Plast. 2019, 120, 395-410.
  • Z. Li, H. Wang, Q. Guo*, Z.Q. Li, D.B. Xiong, Y. Su, H. Gao, X. Li*, D. Zhang*. Regain strain-hardening in high-strength metals by nanofiller incorporation at grain boundaries. Nano Lett. 2018, 18, 6255-6264.
  • Z. Li, X. Fu, Q. Guo*, L. Zhao, G. Fan, Z.Q. Li, D.B. Xiong, Y. Su, D. Zhang*. Graphene quality dominated interface deformation behavior of graphene-metal composite: the defective is better. Int. J. Plast. 2018, 111, 253-265.
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