

  • 2008-09 ~ 2011-06    法国巴黎第十一大学     材料物理与化学  博士
  • 2005-09 ~ 2008-06    上海交通大学     材料加工过程  硕士
  • 2001-09 ~ 2005-06    上海交通大学     材料学  学士
  • 2021-01 ~ 至今    365BET官网网站  教授
  • 2015-01 ~ 2020-01    365BET官网网站  副教授
  • 2014-01 ~ 2015-01    365BET官网网站  讲师
  • 2011-01 ~ 2013-01    上海交通大学材料科学系  博士后
  • 铝基复合材料及其3D打印
  • 金属材料跨尺度原位力学行为、电镜分析技术、中子/同步辐射衍射及散射、残余应力分析

陈哲教授主要面向航空、航天、军工等高端领域的应用需求,从事铝基复合材料及其3D打印、金属材料跨尺度原位力学行为、电镜分析技术、中子/同步辐射衍射及散射、残余应力分析等研究。在Acta Materialia,Scripta Materialia,Journal of Materials Science and Technology、Composites Part B等杂志共发表SCI论文70余篇,主持国家自然科学基金(2项)、航天科技、中国商飞、中航工业型号项目12项,累计研究经费2000余万元。获2017年上海市技术发明一等奖。申请国家标准两项;申请国家发明专利39项(已授权8项);先后为我国航空航天领域研制10余种(数百件)复合材料关键部件,部分已装机应用。研发的纳米颗粒增强铝基复合材料已装机应用于航天一院某重型登月火箭的大型主承力结构构件(5米级别构件),主承力长桁等主体结构。

  • Q. Yang, Y. Ma, Z. Chen∗ , G. Ji, M.L. Wang, S.Y. Zhong∗ , Y. Wu, V. Ji, H.W. Wang A new powder metallurgy routine to fabricate TiB2/Al–Zn–Mg–Cu nanocomposites based on composite powders with pre-embedded nanoparticles Materialia 8 (2019) 100458 IF=暂无
  • C.Y. Dan, Z. Chen*, G. Ji, S.Y. Zhong*, J. Li, X.R. Li, F. Brisset, G.A. Sun, H.W. Wang, V. Ji Cube orientation bands observed in largely deformed Al-Sc alloys containing shearable precipitates Scripta Materialia 166 (2019) 139–143 IF=5.079
  • X.P. Li*, G. Ji, Z. Chen*, A. Addad, Y. Wu, H.W. Wang, J. Vleugels, J. Van Humbeeck, J.P. Kruth* Selective laser melting of nano-TiB2 decorated AlSi10Mg alloy with high fracture strength and ductility ACTA MATERIALIA 129 (2017) 183-193 ESI高被引论文 IF=7.656
  • Zhe Chen, Gang Ji, Nathalie Prud’homme, Ahmed Addad, Vincent Ji,Jerome Chevalierd and Guillaume Bernard-Granger Stabilization of the tetragonal phase in large columnar zirconia crystals without incorporating dopants Scripta Materialia 68 (2013) 559–562 IF=5.079
  • Ma, Ahmed Addad, Gang Ji∗, Ming-Xing Zhang, Williams Lefebvre, Zhe Chen∗, Vincent Ji Atomic-scale investigation of the interface precipitation in a TiB2 nanoparticles reinforced Al-Zn-Mg-Cu matrix composite,Acta Materialia 185 (2020) 287–299 IF=7.656
  • X.L Xie, Y. Ma, C.Y. Chen, G. Ji*, C. Verdy, H.J. Wu, Z. Chen*, S. Yuan, B. Normand, S. Yin, H.L. Liao, Cold spray additive manufacturing of metal matrix composites (MMCs) using a novel nano-TiB2-reinforced 7075Al powder Journal of Alloys and Compounds 819 (2020) 152962 IF=4.650
  • Jun Liu, Zhe Chen*, Fengguo Zhang, Gang Ji, Mingliang Wang, Yu Ma, Vincent Ji, Shengyi Zhong, Yi Wu* & Haowei Wang Simultaneously increasing strength and ductility of nanoparticles reinforced Al composites via accumulative orthogonal extrusion process Materials Research Letters IF=6.600
  • Q. Yang, Y.T. Liu, J. Liu, L.Wang, Z. Chen*, M.L. Wang, S.Y. Zhong*, Y.Wu, H.W.Wang Microstructure evolution of the rapidly solidified alloy powders and composite powders Materials & Design 182 (2019) 108045 IF=6.289
  • Y.K. Xiao, Z.Y. Bian, Y.Wu*, G. Ji, Y.Q. Li, M.J. Li, Q. Lian, Z. Chen*, A. Addad, H.W. Wang Effect of nano-TiB2 particles on the anisotropy in an AlSi10Mg alloy processed by selective laser melting Journal of Alloys and Compounds 798 (2019) 644-655 IF=4.650
  • Z. Chen, G.A. Sun, Y.Wu, M.H.Mathon, A. Borbely, D. Chen, G. Ji, M.L. Wang*,S.Y. Zhong*, H.W.Wang Multi-scale study of microstructure evolution in hot extruded nano-sized TiB 2 particle reinforced aluminum composites Materials & Design 116 (2017) 577–590 IF=6.289
  • Jun Liu, Zhe Chen*,Fengguo Zhang, Gang Ji, Shengyi Zhong, Yi Wu, Mingliang Wang,Guangai Sun, Haowei Wang. Microstructural evolution and mechanical property of nanoparticles reinforced Al matrix composites during accumulative orthogonal extrusion process Materials Characterization 155 (2019) 109790 IF= 3.562
  • Z. Chen, J. Li, A. Borbely, G. Ji, S.Y. Zhong*, Y.Wu, M.L. Wang*, H.W. Wang The effects of nanosized particles on microstructural evolution of an in-situ TiB2/6063Al composite produced by friction stir processing Materials & Design 88 (2015) 999–1007 IF=6.289
  • Q. Yang, D.L. Cheng, J. Liu, L. Wang, Z. Chen*, M.L. Wang, S.Y. Zhong, Y. Wu, G. Ji, H.W. Wang Microstructure evolution of the TiB2/Al composites fabricated by powder metallurgy during hot extrusion Materials Characterization 155 (2019) 109834 IF=3.562
  • C.Y. Dan, Z. Chen*, M.H. Mathon, G. Ji, L.W. Li, Y. Wu, F. Brisset, L. Guo, H.W. Wang, V. Ji Cold rolling texture evolution of TiB2 particle reinforced Al-based composites by Neutron Diffraction and EBSD analysis Materials Characterization 136 (2018) 293–301 IF=3.562
  • Q. Yang, Y. Shen, J. Liu, L. Wang, Z. Chen*, M.L. Wang, S.Y. Zhong*, Y.Wu, H.W. Wang Microstructure and mechanical response of TiB2/Al–Zn–Mg–Cu composites with more addition of Zn Journal of Alloys and Compounds 816 (2020) 152584 IF=4.650
  • Q.Yang, Y.Shen, J.Liu, L.Wang, Z.Chen*, M.L.Wang, S.Y.Zhong*, Y.Wu, H.W.Wang Microstructure and mechanical response of TiB2/Al-Zn-Mg-Cu composites with more addition of Zn Journal of Alloys and Compounds 816 (2020) 152584 IF=4.650
  • J. Liu, Z. Chen*, F.G. Zhang, G. Ji, Y. Ma, M.L. Wang, S.Y. Zhong*, J. Li, H. Wang, H.W. Wang Improved structural homogeneity and mechanical properties of nanoparticles reinforced Al composites after orthogonal thermomechanical processes Journal of Alloys and Compounds 767 (2018) 293-301 IF=4.650
  • J.M. Lia,, J. Liu, L. Wang, Z. Chen*, Q.W. Shi, C.Y. Dan, Y. Wu, S.Y. Zhong*,H.W. Wang, Anisotropic behavior of TiB2 nanoparticles reinforced 2024Al composites rolling sheet Materials Characterization 162 (2020) 110196 IF=3.562
  • Ming Wang, Yan Wang, Jun Liu, Zhe Chen*, Han Chen, Yi Wu, Fengguo Zhang,Haowei Wang Effects of Zn content on microstructures and mechanical properties of in-situ TiB2/Al-Zn-Mg-Cu composites subjected to hot extrusion MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A 742 (2019) 364–372 IF=4.652
  • C.Y. Dan, Z. Chen*, G. Ji, S.H. Zhong, Y. Wu*, F. Brisset, H.W. Wang, V. Ji Microstructure study of cold rolling nanosized in-situ TiB2 particle reinforced Al composites Materials & Design 130 (2017) 357–365 IF=6.289
  • Yujiong Chen, Hua Sun, Zechen Li, Yi Wu*, Yakai Xiao, Zhe Chen*,Shengyi Zhong* and Haowei Wang Strategy of Residual Stress Determination on Selective Laser Melted Al Alloy Using XRD Materials 2020, 13, 451 IF=3.057
  • Fengguo Zhang, Zhe Chen*, Shengyi Zhong, Han Chen, Jun Liu, Qing Yang, Haowei Wang Strain measurement of particle-reinforced composites at the microscale: An approach towards concurrent characterization of strain and microstructure Micron 121 (2019) 33–42 IF=1.726
  • Qian Wang, Changzhi Liu, Ruijuan Yao, Hong Zhu, Xiaomin Liu, Mingliang Wang*, Zhe Chen*, Haowei Wang First-principles study on the stability and work function of low-index surfaces of TiB2 Computational Materials Science 172 (2020) 109356 IF=2.863
  • Mengxing Chen, Xiaopeng Li*, Gang Ji, Yi Wu, Zhe Chen*, Wouter Baekelant, Kim Vanmeensel, Haowei Wang and Jean-Pierre Kruth Novel Composite Powders with Uniform TiB2 Nano-Particle Distribution for 3D Printing Appl. Sci 2017, 7, 250 IF=2.474
  • Y. Tang, Z. Chen*, A. Borbély, G. Ji, S.Y. Zhong, D. Schryvers, V. Ji, H.W.Wang Quantitative study of particle size distribution in an in-situ grown Al–TiB2 composite by synchrotron X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy Materials Characterization 102 (2015) 131–136 IF=3.562
  • Mingliang Wang, Cunjuan Xia, Yi Wu, Dong Chen*, Zhe Chen*, Naiheng Ma and Haowei Wang Phase stability, elastic and electronic properties of Hf–Rh intermetallic compounds from firstprinciples calculations RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 20241 IF=3.119
  • C. Zhou, W. Huang, Z. Chen*, G. Ji, M.L. Wang, D. Chen, H.W. Wang In-plane thermal enhancement behaviors of Al matrix composites with oriented graphite flake alignment Composites: Part B 70 (2015) 256–262 IF=7.635
  • Zhe Chen, Peng Zhang, Dong Chen, Yi Wu, Mingliang Wang*, Naiheng Ma, and Haowei Wang First-principles investigation of thermodynamic, elastic and electronic properties of Al3V and Al3Nb intermetallics under pressures JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 117, 085904 (2015) IF=2.286
  • Xiaofei Ju, Fengguo Zhang, Zhe Chen*, Gang Ji, Mingliang Wang, Yi Wu*,Shengyi Zhong and Haowei Wang Microstructure of Multi-Pass Friction-Stir-Processed Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloys Reinforced by Nano-Sized TiB2 Particles and the Effect of T6 Heat Treatment Metals 2017, 7, 530 IF=2.117
  • C.Zhou, D.Chen, X.B.Zhang, Z.Chen∗, S.Y.Zhong, Y.Wu, G.Ji, H.W.Wang The roles of geometry and topology structures of graphite fillers on thermal conductivity of the graphite/aluminum composites Physics Letters A 379 (2015) 452–457 IF=2.278
  • 中国材料研究会青委会  理事
  • 上海市技术发明奖一等奖,2017年(排4)