

办公电话:86-21-54747471 13601900439
  • 1998-09 ~ 2003-06    上海交通大学     365BET官网网站  博士
  • 1992-09 ~ 1995-06    哈尔滨工业大学     365BET官网网站  硕士
  • 1985-09 ~ 1989-06    南昌大学     机械系  学士
  • 2004-01 ~ 至今    365BET官网网站  副研究员
  • 1995-01 ~ 2003-01    365BET官网网站  讲师
  • 1989-01 ~ 1992-01    江西省永平耐酸泵厂  助理工程师
  • 高温结构材料
  • 电子薄膜材料

长期从事高温合金、耐热钢、硅系金属间化合物及其环境稳定性等方面的研究。研究主题涉及:新型耐热钢、镍基高温合金、高熵合金、金属间化合物材料等的高温强韧化机制及其冶炼与成型技术;溅射靶材与薄膜性能之间非线性关系机理;材料氧化与腐蚀等。历年来主要主持或参与的纵向科研项目近20项(其中包括“973”计划项目、 “863”计划项目、国家重点研发计划项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目、上海市科委重大科技项目、上海市科委重点科技项目、上海市科委面上或专项基金项目等);并与宝钢集团、上海电气集团、广东风华高新科技股份有限公司、中国振华集团云科电子有限公司等大型企业进行课题合作研究,主持横向科研项目30余项。期间,申请国家发明专利10余项,发表论文100余篇(其中多数为SCI收录期刊)。获中国航天工业总公司科技进步三等奖一项、上海市科技进步三等奖一项、上海市发明专利二等奖一项。

  • Yuqin Zhang, Xianping Dong* and Jiansheng Wu. Corrosion behavior of sputtered Cr-Si-Ni resistive films in acidic and alkaline environments. Material Chemistry and Physics, 2005,93: 348~355.
  • Xianping Dong and Jiansheng Wu. The effect of zirconium on the crystallization behavior and electrical properties of Cr-Si-Al resistive films. Material Science and Engineering A, 2004,371(1/2): 1~8.
  • Xianping Dong and Jiansheng Wu. The role of aluminum in the crystallization of Cr-Si-Ni resistive films. Material Science and Engineering A, 2003,339(1/2): 297~301.
  • Dong XP and Wu JS. Study on the crystallization of amorphous Cr-Si-Ni thin films using in situ X-ray diffraction. J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2001, 17: s43-46.
  • Xianping Dong and Jiansheng Wu. Formation of an intermetallic phase by crystallization in Cr-Si-Ni-Al amorphous films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2003,359(1):256~260.
  • Zhang B, Dong XP*, Xu XF and Wu JS. Preparation and characterization of tantalum-doped indium tin oxide films deposited by magnetron sputtering, Scripta Materialia, 2008,58: 203-206.
  • Wang XJ, Dong XP*, Wu JS. Effects of Cr dopant on the microstructure and electromigration performance of Cu interconnects. Applied Surface Science, 2009,255: 9273–9278.
  • Xianping Dong and Jiansheng Wu. The crystallization of Cr-Si-Ni-Al amorphous films: Nucleation and growth of intermetallic phase Cr(Al,Si)2. Intermetallics, 2003,11(8):779~785.
  • Wang XJ, Dong XP*, Jiang CH, Wu JS. The effect of chromium dopant on the microstructure and mechanical properties of sputter-deposited copper films. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2009,203(20-21): 3005–3010
  • Bingbing Zhao, Jifu Fan, Ze Chen, Xianping Dong*, Feng Sun, Lanting Zhang. Evolution of precipitates in a Cu-containing alumina-forming austenitic steel after short-term mechanical tests, Materials Characterization, 2017, 125: 37-45.
  • Xianping Dong, Bo Zhang and Jiansheng Wu. Optical-electrical properties and corrosion behavior of tantalum-doped indium tin oxide film deposited by magnetron sputtering. Materials Science Forum,2010,638-642: 2897-2902.
  • Bingbing Zhao, Jifu Fan, Yize Liu, Lin Zhao, Xianping Dong*, Feng Sun, Lanting Zhang. Formation of L12-ordered precipitation in an alumina-forming austenitic stainless steel via Cu addition and its contribution to creep/rupture resistance, Scripta Materialia, 2015, 109: 64-67.
  • Kai Zhang, Hongyuan Wen, Bingbing Zhao, Xianping Dong*, Lanting Zhang. Precipitation behavior and its impact on mechanical properties in an aged carbon-containing Al0.3Cu0.5CrFeNi2 high-entropy alloy. Materials Characterization, 2019,155:109792
  • Xianping Dong, Lin Zhao, Feng Sun, Lanting Zhang. Strengthing of an Al-containing austenitic stainless steel at high temperature. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2013, San Antonio, Texas, USA, June 3-7, 2013. pp. V05AT21A007.
  • Bingbing Zhao, Kaichen Chang, Jifu Fan, Ze Chen, Xianping Dong*, Lanting Zhang. Annealing effects on precipitation and high-temperature properties of a Cu-containing alumina-forming austenitic steel. Materials Letters, 2016, 176: 83-86.
  • 上海市发明专利奖
  • 上海市科技进步奖
  • 中国航天工业总公司科技进步奖