

  • 1996-09 ~ 1999-07    上海交通大学     材料系  博士
  • 1993-09 ~ 1996-07    清华大学     材料系  硕士
  • 1986-09 ~ 1991-07    同济大学       学士
  • 2005-09 ~ 至今    上海交通大学  特聘教授
  • 2004-08 ~ 至今    上海交通大学  教授
  • 2002-07 ~ 2004-01    美国佐治亚理工学院  高级访问学者
  • 2000-12 ~ 2004-07    上海交通大学  副教授
  • 1999-07 ~ 至今    上海交通大学材料学院  任教
  • 1991-08 ~ 1993-08    江苏工学院 (现江苏大学)机械工程系  助教
  • 非对称性生长
  • 拓扑纳米结构物性测量
  • 二维离子气与纳米离子器件
  • 薄膜电池



实验室拥有薄膜与单晶材料制备与光电性能测试全套设备。材料制成设备包含:单晶生长(布里奇曼炉)、薄膜制备(原子层沉积,磁控溅射,真空蒸镀)以及微波化学纳米反应器等;光电性能测试包含:低温探针台,电信号测量Keithley 4200S,电化学工作站,高精度电容测试仪,荧光综合测试仪等;自研的纳米器件加工平台等。


在著名的专业杂志上发表120余篇有影响力的论文,其中包括Science, PRL, JACS, Nano Letters, Advanced Materials等,引用次数7500 余次,其中有2篇论文引用次数超过1000次。此外,还有20项研究成果获得中国发明专利,1项研究成果获得美国发明专利。在纳米结构合成与表征以及新能源材料与器件等方面有一定的影响力。

  • R Chen, C Liu, YY Chen, C Ye, S Chen, JR Cheng, SX Cao, SH Wang, AY Cui, ZG Hu, H Lin, JL Wu, XY Kong, and W Ren, Ferroelectric CsGeI3 Single Crystals with a Perovskite Structure Grown from Aqueous Solution J. Phys. Chem. C, 127, 635–641 (2023)
  • ZP Cai, C Ma, XY Kong, XY Wu, KX Wang, JS Chen, High-Performance PEO-Based All-Solid-State Battery Achieved by Li-Conducting High Entropy Oxides, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 14, 57047-57054 (2022)
  • X Sun, Z Lei, H Zhong, C He, Q Meng, Q Liu, XY Kong, T Yang, A Quasi-3D Fano Resonance Cavity on Optical Fiber End-Facet for High Signal-to-Noise Ratio Dip-and-Read Surface Plasmon Sensing, Light: Advanced Manufacturing, 3, 1-11 (2022)
  • X Yang, M Hu, T Su, X Ma, Y Chen, XY Kong, W Ren, Strain-induced ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity in centrosymmetric binary oxides, Physical Review B, 106, 064106(2022)
  • W Jiang, C Liu, X Ma, X Yu, S Hu, X Li, LA Burton, Y Liu,YY Chen, P Guo, XY Kong, L Bellaiche, W Ren, Anomalous ferroelectricity and double-negative effects in bilayer hexagonal boron nitride, Physical Review B, 106, 054104 (2022)
  • S Ma, R Tong, XY Wu, ZP Li, XY Kong, WZ Shen, Effective way to reduce rear-side potential-induced degradation of bifacial PERC solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 239, 111687 (2022)
  • Y Wang, L Zhang, Y Liu, L Tang, J He, X Sun, MH Younis, D Cui, H Xiao, XY Kong, J. Song, Engineering CpG‐ASO‐Pt‐loaded Macrophages (CAP@M) For Synergistic Chemo‐Gene‐Immuno‐Therapy, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2201178 (2022)
  • X Luo, A Fiedler, R Azmi, W Xu, R Huang, H Geßwein, J Maibach, H. Ehrenberg, XY Kong, Enhancement of ionic conductivity in novel LiON-AlOx multilayer heterostructures prepared by atomic layer deposition, Solid State Ionics 373, 115796 (2021)
  • K Gao, Y Liu, H Cheng, S Zhong, R Tong, XY Kong, X Song, Z Huang, Inverted Pyramid Morphology Control by Acid Modification and Application for PERC Solar Cells, ACS omega 6, 32925-32929 (2021)
  • X Yang, M Hu, T Su, X Ma, Y Chen, XY Kong, P Zhang, W Ren, Volume-matched ferroelectric and piezoelectric ZnO/MgO superlattice, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 876, 160167 (2021)
  • Z Li, Y Yang, A Relefors, XY Kong, GM Siso, B Wickman, Y Kiros, IL Soroka, Tuning morphology, composition and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) catalytic performance of manganese oxide particles fabricated by γ-radiation induced synthesis,,Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 583, 71-79(2021)
  • Y Wang, J Cheng, D Zhao, Y Liu, T Luo, YF Zhong, F Mo, XY Kong, J. Song, Designed DNA nanostructure grafted with erlotinib for non-small-cell lung cancer therapy, Nanoscale 12, 23953-23958 (2020)
  • F Hu, XY Dai, ZQ Zhou, XY Kong, SL Sun, RJ Zhang, SY Wang, M Lu, J. Sun,Black silicon Schottky photodetector in sub-bandgap near-infrared regime, Optics express 27, 3161-3168 (2019)
  • Z Yu, Y Chen, Z Cheng, G Tsekouras, X Li, X Wang, XY Kong, SX Dou Enzyme-catalysed room temperature and atmospheric pressure synthesis of metal carbonate hydroxides for energy storage, Nano Energy 54, 200-208 (2018)
  • Z Yu, Z Cheng, X Wang, SX Dou, XY Kong, High area-specific capacitance of Co(OH) 2/hierarchical nickel/nickel foam supercapacitors and its increase with cycling, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5, 7968-7978 (2017)
  • W Fan, B Wang, X Guo, XY Kong, J Liu, Nanosize stabilized Li-deficient through cathode architecture for high performance Li-O2 batteries, Nano Energy 27, 577-586 (2016)
  • Z Huang, S Zhong, X Hua, X Lin, XY Kong, N Dai, W Shen, An effective way to simultaneous realization of excellent optical and electrical performance in large‐scale Si nano/microstructures, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 23, 964-972 (2015)
  • XY Kong, D Yu, Z Huang, W Shen, N Dai, Atomic layer deposition for photovoltaics: applications and prospects, Optical Nanostructures and Advanced Materials for Photovoltaics, 647-652 (2015)
  • R Chen, Y Wu, XY Kong, Monodisperse porous LiFePO4/C microspheres derived by microwave-assisted hydrothermal process combined with carbothermal reduction for high power lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources 258, 246-252 (2014)
  • JF Wan, XY Kong Energy model and band-gap modulation of graphene band self-organized on the functional vicinal surfaces, Applied Physics Letters 98, 013104 (2012)
  • X Gou, G Wang, XY Kong, D Wexler, J Horvat, J Yang, J Park, Flutelike porous hematite nanorods and branched nanostructures: synthesis, characterisation and application for gas‐sensing, Chemistry–A European Journal 14 (19), 5996-6002 (2008)
  • G Wang, J Park, XY Kong, PR Wilson, Z Chen, J Ahn, Facile Synthesis and Characterization of Gallium Oxide (β-Ga 2O 3) 1D Nanostructures: Nanowires, Nanoribbons, and Nanosheets, Crystal Growth and Design 8 (6), 1940-1944 (2008)
  • GF Guo, J Li, XY Kong, H Lin, L Liang, M He, L Yang, J Wu, B Cui, Phase Evolution in Heat‐Treated Si3N4 with Additions of Yb2O3, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 91 (2), 611-614 (2008)
  • GF Guo, J Li, XY Kong, H Lin, L Liang, M He, L Yang, J Wu, B Cui, Direct measurement of residual stresses and their effects on the microstructure and mechanical properties of heat-treated Si3N4 ceramics II: With CeO2 as a single additive Acta Materialia 55 (9), 3245-3251 (2007)
  • J Mao, XY Kong, D Wang, Z Zou, Assembly of metallic carbon nanodots aligned on a vicinal Si (111)-7× 7 surface, Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (13), 3782-3783 (2007)
  • ZQ Zou, H Wang, D Wang, QK Wang, JJ Mao, XY Kong, Epitaxial growth of manganese silicide nanowires on surfaces, Applied physics letters 90 (13), 133111 (2007)
  • XY Kong, ZL Wang, Polar-surface dominated ZnO nanobelts and the electrostatic energy induced nanohelixes, nanosprings, and nanospirals, Applied physics letters 84 (6), 975-977 (2004)
  • XY Kong, Y Ding, R Yang, ZL Wang, Single-crystal nanorings formed by epitaxial self-coiling of polar nanobelts, Science 303 (5662), 1348-1351 (2004)
  • XY Kong, ZL Wang, Spontaneous polarization-induced nanohelixes, nanosprings, and nanorings of piezoelectric nanobelts, Nano letters 3 (12), 1625-1631 (2003)
  • XY Kong, ZL Wang, J Wu, Rectangular Single‐Crystal Mullite Microtubes, Advanced Materials 15 (17), 1445-1449 (2003)
  • 国务院政府津贴
  • 国家杰出青年基金
  • 上海市科技启明星