

  • 2009-01    中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所       博士
  • 2012-04 ~ 至今    365BET官网网站  任教
  • 2009-01 ~ 2012-01    德国科隆大学  博士后研究工作
  • 功能微纳米材料和薄膜制备及其在储能、光催化等领域应用
  • 推进剂燃烧性能研究
  • 表面功能化防腐涂层研究

研究方向主要为新型功能半导体纳米材料和薄膜的可控制备、复合结构体系的构建及其在超级电容器、锂离子电池、光催化、防腐涂层等方面的应用基础研究工作。目前主持和参与国家自然科学基金、上海市自然科学基金、SMC-晨星青年学者基金、上海航天科技创新基金、国家留学回国人员启动基金、上海市纳米专项、教育部重点研发基金、上海交通大学医工交叉基金、企业技术开发等项目。在ACS Nano, Advanced Materials, Small, Journal of Material Chemistry A, Nano Energy, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, ACS Applied Materials &Interfaces, Nanotechnology, Journal of American Ceramics Society, RSC Advances等国内外著名刊物上发表论文70余篇,其中SCI影响因子10以上11篇,目前共被他引近2000次,单篇最高他引198次。受邀在John Wiley、CRC Press、Scrivener Publishing LLC等四部英文专著中各撰写一章。申请发明专利21项,已获授权中国发明专利18项。研究成果受邀在国际大会上做报告20余次。目前是Adv. Mater., Adv.Energy Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Nano Energy, ACS Appl. Mater. Interf., Small, Carbon, Nanoscale, Chemistry Materials, J. Mater. Chem. A, Langmuir等30余种国际专业期刊的审稿人和仲裁人。

  • Y Tian, C Yang, X Song, J Liu, L Zhao, P Zhang, L Gao, Engineering the volumetric effect of Polypyrrole for auto-deformable supercapacitor, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 374:59-67.
  • Y Qu, F Li, P Zhang, L Zhao, J Liu, X Song, L Gao, Enhanced photoelectrochemical performance and stability of Si nanowire photocathode with deposition of hematite and carbon, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 471:528-536.
  • Y Tian, X Song, J Liu, L Zhao, P Zhang, L Gao, Generation of Monolayer MoS2 with 1T Phase by Spatial‐Confinement‐Induced Ultrathin PPy Anchoring for High‐Performance Supercapacitor, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2019, 6 (10):1900162.
  • Y Qu, J Qian, J Liu, L Yao, L Zhao, X Song, P Zhang, L Gao, Foamy Photocathode with Cu2O Nanowire Arrays Decorated with Cu2O and Carbon Layer for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2019, 166 (10):H452-H458.
  • Y Qu, P Zhang, J Liu, L Zhao, X Song, L Gao, Facile fabrication and hydrophobic properties of Cu2O nanowire films on Cu substrates, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2019, 226: 88-94.
  • C Yang, M Shi, Y Tian, J Yang, X Song, L Zhao, J Liu, P Zhang, L Gao, Bioinspired pomegranate-like microflowers confining core-shell binary NixSy nanobeads for efficient supercapacitors exhibiting a durable lifespan exceeding 100000 cycles, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7 (7):3432-3442.
  • X Feng, J Liu, P Zhang, Q Zhang, L Xu, L Zhao, X Song, L Gao, Highly coke resistant Mg–Ni/Al2O3 catalyst prepared via a novel magnesiothermic reduction for methane reforming catalysis with CO2: the unique role of Al–Ni intermetallics, Nanoscale, 2019, 11 (3):1262-1272.
  • J Wang, J Xu, X Wang, X Zhang, X Song, X Chen, A comprehensive study on surface integrity of nickel-based superalloy Inconel 718 under robotic belt grinding, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2019, 34 (1):61-69.
  • Cheng Yang, Minjie Shi, Xuefeng Song*, Xiaofeng Zhao, Liping Zhao, Jing Liu, Peng Zhang and Lian Gao*, A robust hierarchical microcapsule for efficient supercapacitors exhibiting an ultrahigh current density of 300 A g-1, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6, 5724.
  • Xiaoqiang Zhang Huabin Chen, Jijin Xu, Xuefeng Song, Junwei Wang, Xiaoqi Chen, A novel sound-based belt condition monitoring method for robotic grinding using optimally pruned extreme learning machine, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2018,260, 9-19.
  • Cheng Yang, Minjie Shi, Yuyu Tian, Xuefeng Song*, Jing Liu, Liping Zhao, Jing Liu, Peng Zhang and Lian Gao*, Sustainable Energy System Utilizing High‐Voltage‐Stable and Energy‐dense Supercapacitors Based on Porous Fe2O3@Graphene Electrode in Ionic Liquid Electrolyte, Energy Technology, 2018.
  • Qing Zhang, Xiaoqian Feng,Jing Liu,Liping Zhao, Xuefeng Song, Peng Zhang, Lian Gao, Hollow hierarchical Ni/MgO-SiO2 catalyst with high activity, thermal stability and coking resistance for catalytic dry reforming of methane, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43,11056-11068.
  • Shuhua Yang, Zhenzhen Han, Fangyuan Zheng, Jing Sun, Zhensong Qiao, Xiaopeng Yang, Li Li, Cuncheng Li, Xuefeng Song, Bingqiang Cao, ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles-cotton derived hierarchical porous active carbon fibers for high rate-capability supercapacitor electrodes, Carbon, 2018,134,15.
  • Minjie Shi, Cheng Yang, Xuefeng Song*, Jing Liu, Liping Zhao, Peng Zhang,Lian Gao*,Stretchable wire-shaped supercapacitors with high energy density for size-adjustable wearable electronics, Chemical Engineering Journal,2017, 322,538.
  • Lingyue Hu, Xuefeng Song, Dongliang Jin,Chen Xing,Xiao Shan,Xiaofeng Zhao,Fangwei Guo,Ping Xiao, A robust quasi‐superhydrophobic ceria coating prepared using air‐plasma spraying, Journal of American Ceramics Society, 2018.
  • Minjie Shi, Cheng Yang, Xuefeng Song*, Jing Liu, Liping Zhao, Peng Zhang,Lian Gao*,Integrated Sustainable Wind Power Harvesting and Ultrahigh Energy Density Wire-Shaped Supercapacitors Based on Vertically Oriented Nanosheet-Array-Coated Carbon Fibers, Advanced Sustainable System, 2017, 1,1700044.
  • Minjie Shi, Cheng Yang, Xuefeng Song*, Jing Liu, Liping Zhao,Peng Zhang,Lian Gao*,Recoverable Wire-Shaped Supercapacitors with Ultrahigh Volumetric Energy Density for Multifunctional Portable and Wearable Electronics, ACS Applied Materials&Interface, 2017, 9,17051.
  • Shipu Li, Peng Zhang, Xiaofeng Xie, Xuefeng Song, Jing Liu, Liping Zhao, Han Chen, Lian Gao, Enhanced photoelectrochemical performance of planar p-Silicon by APCVD deposition of surface mesoporous hematite coating. Applied Catalysis B Environmental, 2017, 200,372.
  • Minjie Shi, Tianhao Wu, Xuefeng Song*, Jing Liu, Liping Zhao, Peng Zhang and Lian Gao* , Active Fe2O3 nanoparticles encapsulated in porous g-C3N4/graphene sandwich-type nanosheets as a superior anode for high-performance lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4(27),10666.
  • Zhuang Sun,Yucheng Yao,Jing Wang, Xuefeng Song, * Peng Zhang,Liping Zhao, Lian Gao*, High rate lithium-ion batteries from hybrid hollow spheres with few-layered MoS2-entrapped carbon sheath synthesized with a space-confined reaction, Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2016,4(27),10425.
  • Zhuang Sun,Siying Tao,Xuefeng Song, * Peng Zhang,Lian Gao*,A Silicon/double-shelled carbon yolk-like nanostructure as high-performance anode materials for lithium-ion battery,Journal of the Electrochemical Society,2015,162(8):A1530.
  • Zhuang Sun, Xuefeng Song,* Peng Zhang and Lian Gao*, Template-assisted synthesis of multi-shelled carbon hollow spheres with an ultralarge pore volume as anode materials in Li-ion batteries,RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 3657.
  • Shuhua Yang, Xuefeng Song,* Peng Zhang, and Lian Gao*, Heating-Rate-Induced Porous α-Fe2O3 with Controllable Pore Size and Crystallinity Grown on Graphene for Supercapacitors,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7, 75.
  • Shuhua Yang, Xuefeng Song,* Peng Zhang, and Lian Gao*, A MnOOH/nitrogen-doped graphene hybrid nanowires sandwich film for flexible all-solid-state supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2015,3:6136.
  • Shuhua Yang,Lin Yuan,Song Xuefeng*,Zhang Peng,Gao Lian*,Covalently Coupled Ultrafine H-TiO2 Nanocrystals/Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Hybrid Materials for High-Performance Supercapacitor,ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces,2015,7(32):17884.
  • Xuefeng Song*,Weihao Shen,Zhuang Sun,Cheng Yang,Peng Zhang,Lian Gao*,Size-engineerable NiS2 hollow spheres photo co-catalysts from supermolecular precursor for H2 production from water splitting,Chemical Engineering Journal,2016,290:74.
  • Shuhua Yang, Xuefeng Song,* Peng Zhang, Jing Sun and Lian Gao*, Self-assembled α-Fe2O3 mesocrystals/graphene nanohybrid for enhanced electrochemical capacitor, Small, 2014, 10, 2270.
  • Peng Zhang,Lian Gao,Xuefeng Song,Jing Sun,Micro- and Nanostructures of Photoelectrodes for Solar-Driven Water Splitting,Advanced Materials,2015,27(3):562.
  • Shuhua Yang, Xuefeng Song,* Peng Zhang and Lian Gao*, Crumpled nitrogen-doped graphene-ultrafine Mn3O4 nanohybrids and their application in supercapacitors, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 14162.
  • Xuefeng Song, Jun Pan, Lisong Xiao, Sanjay Mathur, Lian Gao, A Hierarchical Hybrid Design for High Performance Tin Based Li Ion Battery Anodes, Nanotechnology, 2013, 24, 205401.
  • Zhuang Sun, Xuefeng Song,* Peng Zhang and Lian Gao*, Controlled synthesis of yolk-mesoporous shell Si@SiO2 nanohybrid designed for high performance Li ion battery, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 20814.
  • Robin Von Hagen, Ashish Lepcha, Xuefeng Song, Wieland Tyrra, Sanjay Mathur, Influence of Electrode Design on the Electrochemical Performance of Li3V2(PO4)3/C Nanocomposite Cathode in Lithium Ion Batteries, Nano Energy, 2013, 2, 304.
  • Xuefeng Song, Lian Gao, Sanjay Mathur, Synthesis, Characterization, and Gas Sensing Properties of Porous Nickel Oxide Nanotubes, J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 21730-35, 2011
  • Shuhua Yang, Xuefeng Song,* Peng Zhang and Lian Gao*, Facile Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Graphene?Ultrathin MnO2 Sheet Composites and Their Electrochemical Performances, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2013, 5, 3317.
  • Xuefeng Song, Zhuang Sun, Cheng Yang, Lisong Xiao, Silicon Nanomaterials Sourcebook: Hybrid Materials, Arrays, Networks, and Devices (Silicon-carbon yolk-shell structures for energy storage application), Taylor & Francis Group
  • Xin R Xia, Nancy A. Monteiro-Riviere, Xuefeng Song, Lisong Xiao, Steven J. Oldenburg, Bengt Fadeel, Jim E Riviere, Mapping the Surface Adsorption Forces of Nanomaterials in Biological Systems, ACS Nano, 5, 9074-81, 2011.
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