Academic Masters Forum No. 24

2023-07-05 13895

Title: Layered Materials as a Platform for Quantum Technologies

Speaker: Prof. Andrea C. Ferrari

Date/Time: 2023.07.13 14:00-15:00

Location: Yiucheng Lecture Hall (500), Xu Zuyao Building

Inviter: Prof. Jianxin Zou



Andrea Ferrari, a Professor of nanotechnology and Professorial Fellow of Pembroke College. He founded and directs the Cambridge Graphene Centre and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Graphene Technology. He chairs the management panel and is the Science and Technology Officer of the European Graphene Flagship. His work sits at the frontier between engineering, nanotechnology and materials science. He is a world authority on characterization of carbon materials, including diamond-like carbon, nanotubes and graphene. His work underpins the interpretation of Raman scattering in carbon-materials and is now a worldwide standard in industry. Collaborations with industry have enabled the pull-through of sciences to technologies in several areas. He is a global leader in graphene and related materials engineering, having pioneered many areas, from mass scale identification by spectroscopic means, to their implementation in printed and flexible electronics, photodetectors, modulators, lasers, and plasmonic structures.


He is a Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the American Physical Society, Fellow of the Materials Research Society, Fellow of the Institute of Physics, Fellow of the Optical Society and he has been recipient of numerous awards, such as the Royal Society Brian Mercer Award for Innovation, the Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award, the Marie Curie Excellence Award, the Philip Leverhulme Prize, The EU-40 Materials Prize. He has published >490 papers in international journals with >153,000 citations and H-index 128, ~13,000 citations per annum; delivered >500 invited, keynote and plenary talks in all conferences in the field, as well as cross-disciplinary forums and events aimed at a general audience.



Layered materials are taking centre stage in the ever-increasing research effort to develop material platforms for quantum technologies. We are at the dawn of the era of layered quantum materials. Their optical, electronic, magnetic, thermal, and mechanical properties make them attractive for most aspects of this global pursuit. Layered materials have already shown potential as scalable components, including quantum light sources, photon detectors and nanoscale sensors, and have enabled research of new phases of matter within the broader field of quantum simulations. I will discuss opportunities and challenges faced by layered materials within the landscape of material platforms for quantum technologies, with focus on applications that rely on light–matter interfaces.
